Prince Ali Seraj of Afghanistan speaks against violent murder in France

ساخت وبلاگ

SHAFAQNA – Outraged by the recent wave of Terror Prince Ali Seraj of Afghanistan took to social media to offer his condolences to the victims of terror, and speak words of truth in the face of monstrosity.

“I extend my deepest condolences to our Christian brothers and sisters for the gruesome murder of the Priest in France. I know that the gruesome act was committed by ISIS killers. These are the same type of people who murdered over 80 young Afghans, three days ago and have murdered more Muslims while they were praying in a mosque. These godless creatures, before detonating their suicide vests, yell Allah Akbar, meaning that Allah is great. In so doing, they are making Allah All Mighty as their partner in murdering innocent human beings. This is not Islamic. It is work of the Devil. They are devil worshippers, supported by the Wahabi religion.

We, as Muslims, feel your pain and pray for the soul of the Priest all others who have died at the hands of these animals.”

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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار enshagaq بازدید : 221 تاريخ : چهارشنبه 6 مرداد 1395 ساعت: 7:11